Terms & Conditions

Evolution TOB Direct Customers


  1. By using this site, you agree that the material and content contained within or provided by www.morgan-price.eu is for your own personal use only and may not be used for commercial purposes or distributed commercially.
  2. The material and content contained within or provided by www.morgan-price.eu should not be copied, reproduced, republished, linked or modified without the express written consent of Morgan Price (Europe) ApS (Morgan Price).
  3. The information on this site is intended to be useful and informative for clients, potential clients & employers working with Morgan Price and its subsidiaries. Morgan Price will use reasonable care to ensure that information is accurate at the time it is added to the site.
  4. Morgan Price cannot, however, guarantee the accuracy of information on this website and it shall not be liable for any losses or damage that anyone may suffer as a result of relying on this information.
  5. Morgan Price retains the right to make changes to the www.morgan-price.eu site and / or these terms and conditions at any time.
  6. Morgan Price assumes no responsibility for the contents of any other websites to which Morgan Price website has links.
  7. This website and the copyright materials on this website are owned by Morgan Price and all images, names and logos are the property of Morgan Price and/or its partners.
  8. You may print or otherwise temporarily store extracts from this website provided that no alteration to any of the content is made and that use is for your own personal reference only.
  9. The reproduction, permanent storage or retransmission of the materials on this site is prohibited without the written consent of Morgan Price. The content in whole or in part may not be distributed or copied for any commercial purposes.
  10. By using and accessing this website you agree that it shall be governed by English Law and the English courts have sole jurisdiction over any issues arising with this website.

CVR – Central Business Register (Denmark) disclosure terms

  1. Morgan Price (Europe) ApS is registered in Demark. It’s Registered office is: Morgan Price (Europe) ApS, ØENS Virksomhedsadministration ApS, Lergravsvej 59, 1, 2300 København s, Denmark . CVR Number 41127635.

Danish Financial Supervisory Authority regulatory terms

  1. Morgan Price (Europe) ApS are authorised and regulated by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (DFSA) in Denmark. FTID Number : 36351
  2. Our individual clients or potential clients who are accessing this website on their own behalf (as opposed to for a company or for their employer) are our RETAIL clients. For retail clients we publish an initial disclosure document detailing information about us to help you make a decision on using our services, and this is attached below as a pdf document.
  3. If you have any questions regarding these terms, please do not hesitate to contact us.