Our Partners

We are proud to work with quality Insurance and Service Partners. Here is a some more information on a selection of our trusted partners.

Morgan Price (Europe) ApS are proud to work with a range of quality partners so as to provide our intermediary partners and insured Members with access to some of the best service and financially sound international health insurance products and solutions available.

Morgan Price International Healthcare Limited

Morgan Price International Healthcare Limited “Morgan Price” is our sister company, located in the UK and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Morgan Price, established in 1999 is an award winning international provider of health insurance and has provided health insurance to 100,000s of expatriate and local national individuals, families and corporate groups around the world.

Morgan Price policyholders and insured members benefit from Morgan Price’s expertise in expatriate and international health insurance, backed by it’s high service in-house claims handling teams, bespoke systems and even it’s own Smartphone App that is available to Policyholders worldwide.

Morgan Price is responsible for plan design, policy administration, customer service and claims handling for all policies sold and distributed outside of the European Union. In addition to the Morgan Price (Europe) Aps sister company based in Denmark, Morgan Price operates Morgan Price International Healthcare Limited in the UK and has in-country representative offices and service centre staff in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and Thailand.

Gen Re - General Reinsurance AG

Gen Re is a major global reinsurance company and provides peace of mind security to policyholders and partners through its reinsurance support behind Morgan Price’s Insurance Partners. Gen Re receives outstanding financial strength ratings (correct as at 01/2021):
A.M. Best: A++ (Superior)
Standard & Poor's: AA+

HDI Global Speciality SE

For all new and renewing policies after the 1st April 2021:

HDI Global Speciality SE, headquartered in Hannover, Germany, offer robust financial security, stability and financial peace of mind for Morgan Price Europe policyholders. They are rated ‘A+’ by Standard & Poor’s (28/08/2019) and ‘A’ by A.M. Best (16/10/2020). HDI Global Specialty SE has 9 offices operating in 19 countries worldwide and are part of the Talanx Group which has premium income amounting to €39.5 Billion (2019) with 110 years of continuity as an international insurance group.

Elmo – Elmo Insurance Limited

For policies started before 31st March 2021 :

Elmo Insurance Limited, based in Malta is our insurance partner for our Morgan Price EU policyholders and members. Elmo Insurance is a company with a core based on financial stability and honest relationships.

Elmo Insurance Limited is authorised to carry on general insurance business in terms of the Insurance Business Act (Chapter 403 of the Laws of Malta) and regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority.

Our EU Policyholders benefit from the financial strength and protection of it’s reinsurer General Reinsurance AG. GenRe provides 100% reinsurance cover to Elmo Insurance Limited for Morgan Price Policies.

Medigo – Medigo GmbH

Medigo, based in Germany are the claims handling and third party administration services partner appointed by Morgan Price and our Insurers to provide ‘in-country’ German language claims handling services for our Policyholders and Insured Members in Germany.

Morgan Price – Global Thinking, Personal Care